Campus Management

New UWA cleaning and waste contract

New UWA cleaning and waste contract

UWA?s Campus Management has put in place a new cleaning and waste contract that will offer improved customer service and efficiency.

New cleaning and waste contract
UWA?s Campus Management has put in place a new cleaning and waste contract that will offer improved customer service and efficiency.
Spotless has successfully been awarded the three year contract through a public tender process and the contract will commence on Monday 2 February.
It includes all UWA institutional buildings with the exception of a few that are managed independently or resourced internally.
There will be a slight change to the cleaning times with cleaning in buildings commencing at 6.00am. The contractor will ensure any disruptive activities such as use of noisy machinery are completed by 8.00am.
The services provided within the contract include:
Cleaning services 
? Spotless will provide comprehensive regular and periodical cleaning to buildings, including internal spaces and external elements such as building entries and outdoor covered walkways.
? Special cleaning will be commissioned by Campus Management at additional rates for services such as carpet and upholstery cleaning, window cleaning (above 2.1 metres) and high pressure cleaning.
? A cleaning audit will be performed prior to the contract commencing, to assess and report on the current cleaning standard. Spotless will apply the contract governing standards for cleaning services to meet the required cleaning quality as specified in the contract.
? Regular inspections and audits will be carried out by Spotless, UWA management and an independent auditor to ensure a high quality is maintained and KPIs are met throughout the contract.
Waste services ? internal to buildings
? Spotless is responsible for the collection and disposal of waste located within and outside buildings.
? Waste collection will occur on a daily basis as part of the general cleaning services provided within buildings.
? All waste collected within building spaces will be placed into external bins by cleaning staff for daily collection.
Waste services ? external to buildings
? Spotless has partnered with waste service provider SITA to facilitate the collection and disposal of external general and commingled (mixed) waste bins.
? The contract includes the provision of waste services to all buildings, except those where waste services are contracted independently.
? Spotless will work with the University to implement sustainable initiatives and strategies to reach its objective of zero landfill by 2020.  
Cleaning and waste services outside the contract
Campus Management has negotiated fixed rates with Spotless for the provision of cleaning and waste services outside the contract specifications. Faculties and schools who independently procure cleaning and waste services are encouraged to take advantage of these competitive rates.  Faculties and schools may request additional services at their own cost to support special events or other activities not covered within the contract. Further information explaining the process for additional services and a schedule of fixed rates will be provided to you by Friday 23 January 2015.
UWA cleaning specifications
UWA waste specifications
Please contact Garry Jones, Manager Campus Services, Campus Management, UWA via email at [email protected] or phone 6488 1205.

